Greetings !
The motherboard on my computer died, so I have bought a new computer.
I have installed the hard drive from the old computer, seen as Drive O: by
the new computer.
How can I address the programs stored on Drive O: ?
i.e. in the Registry file on Drive O:, the references are all to Drive C:
Copy the entire "O:\Program Files" folder to the new Drive C:, and then add
the entire contents of the old Registry to the new one....
Or is there another way ? Say to "APPEND" Drive O: to Drive C: ???
Yes, I could simply re-install all the programs - IF I could find the CDs...
"There must be a better way" ???
The motherboard on my computer died, so I have bought a new computer.
I have installed the hard drive from the old computer, seen as Drive O: by
the new computer.
How can I address the programs stored on Drive O: ?
i.e. in the Registry file on Drive O:, the references are all to Drive C:
Copy the entire "O:\Program Files" folder to the new Drive C:, and then add
the entire contents of the old Registry to the new one....
Or is there another way ? Say to "APPEND" Drive O: to Drive C: ???
Yes, I could simply re-install all the programs - IF I could find the CDs...
"There must be a better way" ???