New Computer (Again!)


Yank Upstart
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Well after waiting for the new Phenom 965, i am ready to rebuild my machine! Tell me what you think!

CPU - Phenom 965 HERE
Mobo - Asus M4A79T Deluxe AM3 DDR3 HERE
RAM - Corsair Dominator 6GB DDR3 1600 HERE
HDD - 2x WD Velociraptor 300GB HERE

Using the same PSU for this build (Antec 850W) and I'm going to wait for Nvidas new card to come out, so I'm going to stick with the 8800GT for now.

Total cost = $1082
Kinda high, but i suppose nows a good of time than ever to upgrade. For this computer i will load up Windows 7 RC and then buying W7 in the future.

Also, do you think its a good idea to jump for a RAID controller? Even a cheap one?

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Ah Also this is the CPU heatsink that i will be using. For those interested.
THOR's Hammer --> HERE
Looks great :thumb:

You RAID-ing the 2 x 300Gb Velicoraptors?

You should do :)

And just to cheer you up an i7 system will still outperform it :p ;)
Yes i do plan on using RAID 0 for the raptors, and eventually get a 500GB HDD in the future for misc storage. Quite honestly i dont have a need for anything larger, right now im using a 250GB paired with a 160GB :D
And just to cheer you up an i7 system will still outperform it

Some times you just have to fight through the pain. :D

Looks like a good rig. Shame about the old tech hdd though. Look at me two links above. With just one SSD you would not need to bother with Raid an you can always use your present hdd's as a stop gap. Later on this year or early next year SSD prices will drop and you could get a second one. Velociraptors are as much use in todays modern world as the dinasours.

Alternative cooling you might have missed see the links below. I like the look of the Corsair set up.

Originaly the Megahlems was a 775 socket cooler but you can get a AM3 bracket for it.

AMD rocks don't take any notice of the Intel fan boys. :p
I think I'm going to be sticking to the raptors - even though there are cheaper (and larger) drives, they offer similar speed to SSDs without the storage limitation and stupid price. :)

Was thinking about getting a CPU only watercooling kit - but decided against it as I'm always moving my computer. Not to mention they they need to be cleaned and refilled every 6 months... thats too much work. :D

Unfortunatly doesnt sell Megahlems

Duly noted about AMD - :D
Well I never thought the day would come when I'd be called an Intel fanboy :eek:

For years I championed AMD and almost detested Intel.

But you can't argue with performance and Intel are streets ahead atm.

But bang for the buck? AMD for sure though personally I wouldn't buy any more than AMD dual core as they perform best.

Rarely is more than two cores needed anyway unless you a die hard crunching fanatic.

Incidentally, of the 4 machines currently residing here, only one has an Intel chip and that's coming up for 3 years old. I love my Black Edition AMD 3.2Ghz dualie, it performs almost as good as my Dualie Intel 6600.

And the 6600 was the 1st and only Intel chip I've ever bought.

So don't call me an Intel fan boy buster :p unlike some with blind brand loyalty I just look at what's best and stuff the politics.

Alf's system is going to be a blinder :thumb:

I've been studying SSD's vs WD Velicoraptors and come October when Win 7 is released I am going to increase the size of my 148Gb primary hard drive consisting of 2 x 74Gb Raptors in RAID 0.

At this moment in time as far as I'm concerned the SSD's are not value for money and their technology, as far as I can see, has not been honed to perfection yet, only Intel offer SSD's with decent write times.

So it looks likely come October I will be buying a pair of WD Velicoraptor 150Gb HDD's to give me a primary RAID 0 drive of 300Gb.

Right now I don't consider them dinosaurs but when they reach the end of their life they probably will be. By then SSD's will probably be commonplace and hopefully their weak points ironed out.

Abarbarian, how many SSD's do you have in your setups at the moment?

I'd be interested to hear from such a vociferous supporter of the SSD technology.

Come on man, they is imperfect and overpriced atm and if I want a fast system NOW I'm going to go with the best available NOW not wait and wait and wait.

Keep us updated Alf, it's looking good.

Btw, ever considered a Noctua CPU cooler? They're real good.
floppybootstomp said:
Abarbarian, how many SSD's do you have in your setups at the moment?

I'd be interested to hear from such a vociferous supporter of the SSD technology.

None is the answer as I'm just waiting for them to drop a little more in price and as I'm on a very low income it will take me some time to save up for one.
Haven't considered buying one till just lately as the early versions had some serious problems. However these problems seem to have been overcome and with some manufacturers offering a ten year warranty and with Seagate about to enter the market I think that autumn or early next year would be a good time to consider spending the extra on a SSD rather than a Trad HDD.
I may be reading these figures wrong but the results look good to me. ;)







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I rest my case then.

Look, I'm as keen on you as wanting to integrate SSD's into my system, they are the future.

But the fact of the matter is - they are not ready yet.

And if any manufacturer has made any ready yet - which is a bit hit and miss considering whose reports and benchmarks you read - then they certainly are not economically viable right now.

So what do us people who want to upgrade do right now?


Wait some more?

Wait and wait and wait?

Nope, we buy now and enjoy our purchases for at least two years.

Which is about as long as any home-built computer system lasts before upgrade-fever kicks in.

I will say this. Given the choice between buying mechanical technology and digital technology for one's main hard disk, I think the least disappointment in years to come would be with the mechanical.

Because at least with that option you know the technology is on it's last knockings and you can accept it. But while it lasts it is going to be good. Very good.

Whereas if you purchase a pair of expensive SSD's right now, you could very well be really cheesed off in as little as six months time knowing you paid well over the odds for a product that is now hopelessly antiquated because of the advances in technology in the last six months.

Would you really pay around £800.00 for a couple of SSD's right now? Would you?
Good luck with the new machine dude...i'm sure it will be quick as lightning....are you gonna name it??
Ran into a minor problem with my bank. My order would not got through saying my card had been declined - luckily the bank called me and allow the process to go through. slightly inconvenient but it was to make sure i was using the card and not someone else.

Zed: A name? I dont name my computers :D
Alf said:
Ran into a minor problem with my bank. My order would not got through saying my card had been declined - luckily the bank called me and allow the process to go through. slightly inconvenient but it was to make sure i was using the card and not someone else.

Zed: A name? I dont name my computers :D

Yeah that could be a pain in the arse when they do that. My bank randomly stop payments when I make online transactions as a safety precaution if the total bill is over a certain limit. But they normally call me within minutes of me making the transaction to see if it was actually me making it...

And I am with you on not naming computers. I find if I do, then when they goi wrong I feel guilty when I shout at them. And of late I have been doing that a lot...Except my crunching rig..That gets a lot of love and attention....:p
The parts are, now i just have to wait for the CPU heatsink - i dont want to have to dissable the computer the day after :)
Ill post up picks later today
Pics will be good :)

Me like names, mine are:


Groovy eh? :)

Or not, as the case may be... ;)
I will post up pics a little later, right now im trying to figure out how to get RAID 0 up and running. Everytime i try to setup and boot, i cant seem to get into the operating system.... anyone know how to set it up??
Alf said:
I will post up pics a little later, right now im trying to figure out how to get RAID 0 up and running. Everytime i try to setup and boot, i cant seem to get into the operating system.... anyone know how to set it up??

I had the same prob recently, I managed to set up the RAID array in the RAID Bios but Windows couldn't see a hard disk.

If that's the same problem you're having the solution was I had to have the floppy disk with the RAID drivers on it in the drive, press F6 and let Windows use the software from the floppy disk to make Windows see the RAID array as a hard disk.

Some motherboard raid controller chips need this, others do not.

With more modern motherboards I believe you can use a USB memory stick with the drivers on but in my case (motherboard 3 years old) I had to use a floppy.
well ill give it a shot - if anything, i dont really mind have 600GB of usable space :)
Alf said:
well ill give it a shot - if anything, i dont really mind have 600GB of usable space :)

I'm sorry, but that defeatist attitude is simply not an option... ;)

And besides, you'll still have 600Gb of usable space :confused:
I know- im actually thinking of keeping it as is. Seems like there isnt much perfomance increase to be had when RAID 0 (ing) the fastest HDD :)