New Challange



I am at a lose for ideas, any help appreciaited.

I have a column of numbers that need to be summed around a Centra
number. So in other words I need to sum the central number with th
sum of the cells above and below the central number until the total su
equals X. Maybe a visual is in order

Assume the total sum needs to equal: 36 I need to add the number
above and below the central number until the sum equals 36.

9....Central number........9

JE McGimpsey

I think you need to give a bunch more information, for example:

1) how is the total determined?
2) How is the "central number" determined
3) Must the numbers add exactly to the total? If so, what happens if
they don't?
4) Must the numbers be added in pairs? If not, does one start high or


I'm not sure what you really are looking for, as stated by
JE McGimspey there are many question before a good answer
can be given.

But it appears in your sample the largest number in the
list is used as The Central Number.

Assuming the numbers are entered in column 'A' and the
column is named 'Data'.

To find the largest number in the list enter in cell D2,

To find the cell that number is in enter in E2,

In F2 enter the target number, and name F2 'Target'

Go to the cell referenced in E2 let's assume A10

In B9 enter =IF(SUM(A9:$A$9)>=(Target/2),A9&" Stop",A9)
Copy up to A1

In B11 =IF(SUM($A$11:A11)>=(Target/2),A11&" Stop",A11)
Copy down to end of data.

Charlie O'Neill



Thanks, for the reply.

1) The total is determined by 70% of the combined sum - so in this case
53*.7 = 37.1 .

2) In this case it is based on the largest number. There are several
rules in which the central number gets picked, but I think I have that
section worked out.

3) The number does not have to be exact, just as close to the 37.1 as
possible in other words + or - 1 row

4) The numbers do not have to be added in pairs. Just 1 above 1 below.
In other words if you add the 5 from above the central and it equal
~37.1 you are done. You alternate them as you go. If it were to be
done correctly after adding the above and below numbers the next number
that would be added would be from the side that had the largest number
the last time.

In essance this is a psudo 1 std deviation. Trying to find 70% (I know
for all you math wize types 68.8% is closer to 1 std deviation) of the
distribution around the central numbers. Creating somewhat of a bell
curve around the central number.

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