Can you give me a contact URL for ordering these (Incidentally, I'd
rather find a place in the UK that does them)? And can you vouch that
there is no damage to the printer?
Here's the URL for the website:
And the URL for their eBay sales - offers differ....
No I can't vouch they won't damage the printer - no one can. There's no
proof that Canon cartridges won't damage the printer (print head
actually) either. ;-)
If I get a couple of years out of my printer using inexpensive inks then
that money saved pays for the next couple of printers. Consider that
And I do actually run two Canon printers. One for quality work (iP5000)
and the other (i860) for everyday.
I've been refilling my own using various quality bulk inks and using
various quality generic cartridges (made for the specific printer for 10
years and have yet to find any ink at fault for any printer problems.
Yes, there are variations in how dark/light they print and slight hue
differences, but have not encountered any that ruined any printer.
I master all my photos with a photo editing program anyway so don't
really care if one ink prints darker than the other or a different
hue. I control the color the final color with my editing program.