I currntly am running a radeon 7500 4x 64meg ddr and am looking to upgrade.
I was looking at the Sapphire ATI RADEON 9250 256meg ddr for 72.00 at
newegg. Im not a big gamer, But once in awile I like to play some games. I
was wondering if this was decent card for light duty gaming? If not please
recomend one, Im trying to stay in this price range. I can afford a little
more, but not to much more. Thanks Jay
I was looking at the Sapphire ATI RADEON 9250 256meg ddr for 72.00 at
newegg. Im not a big gamer, But once in awile I like to play some games. I
was wondering if this was decent card for light duty gaming? If not please
recomend one, Im trying to stay in this price range. I can afford a little
more, but not to much more. Thanks Jay