New behavior

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alpha
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Suddenly IE6 screens have words underlined with ads that popup with a cursor
over them or click. Do I have a spambot loaded?
Alpha wrote:

"Suddenly IE6 screens have words underlined with ads that popup with a cursor
over them or click. Do I have a spambot loaded"

No, its just clever advertising that the website has sold.

Go to several other not related websites, you should not see this, as not
all websites sell their advertising this way.

When I first saw it I thought they were links, but they are not, they are
just popup advertising, very tricky those legitimate advertising people. If
they could they would put advertising on the clouds in the sky.

You just have to put up with it, as it pays the bills for the website, a bit
like commercial TV, no ads no TV.
Grumpy said:
Alpha wrote:

"Suddenly IE6 screens have words underlined with ads that popup with a
over them or click. Do I have a spambot loaded"

No, its just clever advertising that the website has sold.

Go to several other not related websites, you should not see this, as not
all websites sell their advertising this way.

When I first saw it I thought they were links, but they are not, they are
just popup advertising, very tricky those legitimate advertising people.
they could they would put advertising on the clouds in the sky.

You just have to put up with it, as it pays the bills for the website, a
like commercial TV, no ads no TV.

Thank you...this confirms my suspicions. I hate the practice.