There have been previous posters who pose as "wow, I found a program that... " who were actually the programmers of the application. I simply called them on it, as I called you on this post. Having seen the multiple posts about the program, you can surely understand my suspicions.
However, the simple fact that there are 8 million people that could share the location where you posted from and the fact that posters from around the world post here (sometimes to their detriment as they should have used their native language forums) makes your assertion that it is highly unlikely moot.
As I said, if I was mistaken, my apologies. However, I suspect that there is more to the story than has been posted here.
As for the license part, that was a joke. Sorry if you don't appreciate that part.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Stephen asked:
| Wow. Where does all this hostility come from? I thought I was being
| helpful but mainly was celebrating the fact that I can now do
| something I've wanted to do for a long time. I don't really know why
| you think I'm the writer of the program; as you point out, there's no
| reason for the programmer not to say who he or she is. And no, I'm
| not the programmer and, in fact, don't know how to program. (If I
| did I could have saved myself a lot of aggravation.)
| I had more than 47,000 messages in my .pst file. Fine with me if you
| want to say that I'm silly for having so many messages and that I
| clearly don't know how to use Outlook properly. But the simple fact
| of the matter is that I wanted to archive all the old ones and wasn't
| able to do so, no matter how many times I tried. I started searching
| user groups to see what I was doing wrong and found out about the
| Modifed Date (which I had never heard of, since it doesn't display be
| default) and how it governs archiving, but how there isn't a way to
| change it. I kept searching for a solution but then got distracted
| by other concerns for a few months.
| The other day I did a search for "Outlook, archive, 'modified date'"
| and came up with listings for this program. I tried it, it did what
| I wanted, and I was so elated that I posted messages at 3 newsgroups.
| (I actually posted here twice, by mistake, because I got an error
| message after my first post, only to see later that it actually went
| through successfully.)
| I appreciate your advance apology but don't particularly need it
| because you haven't harmed me. In fact, perhaps you made yourself
| look a little silly for reacting so strongly to something so
| innocuous. In any event, I assume you're just trying to do the right
| thing. But if I understand your post correctly, and you're
| suggesting that my IP and the location of the developer added to your
| suspicion, I would only point out to you that there are, what, like 8
| million people in New York City so I guess I don't find it as curious
| a coincidence as you do.
| But I certainly will, if I ever feel compelled to share an opinion
| here again, include lots and lots of disclaimers. Frankly, I'm not a
| frequent poster and am apparently a bit naive about this group. I am
| a member of a few user groups where everyone is so polite to one
| another, and helpful at the drop of a hat, that I didn't realize I
| was taking my life into my hands here...
| You better contact the company for your free license - I certainly
| can't help you out there!
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
| | "I'm so glad someone finally did this! Stephen"
| Listen up bub - if you are the programmer of this add-in... and I
| WILL find out if you are... then you have no business trying the
| "ooh, guess what I found that really works!" ploy here. Just ask
| around.
| If you have an add-in that you want to advertise, then put an ADV in
| front of your post, tell folks that you work for the company that
| made the add-in and then extol its virtues. No one here objects to
| that and many find some of the items advertised quite useful.
| However, if you are indeed the programmer or work for the company that
| programmed this add-in, then you should be ashamed of yourself for
| all of this false self-promotion. You do yourself and all honest
| add-in developers a great disservice by lying about what you "found"
| (on your own hard drive, or a company server). You didn't "find"
| anything except a way to promote your product with lies and
| obfuscation.
| Not a good way to start out I might add.
| Now for the disclaimer - I don't work for Microsoft, nor any software
| company, the opinions expressed are my own and if I made a mistake in
| my assessment based on your IP and the company's HQ, then I apologize.
| If I am correct however, I would expect at least an apology to the
| users of this forum and an honest post that can regale us with the
| wonders and usefulness heretofore unseen that your add-in will add to
| Outlook, and an acknowledgement that you are, or work for, the
| producers of this software. That does a lot to ameliorate what you
| tried here tonight.
| Dishonesty and disingenuousness are a bad way to start off a business
| trying to sell something to people - it makes you look suspicious and
| your software less worthy.
| Now, can I have a free license? (gd&rvvf!)

| --
| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
| reading.
| After furious head scratching, Stephen asked:
|| I finally found something I've been looking for for a long time so
|| figured I'd share it. If you've ever had Outlook fail to archive
|| because it had moved messages' Modified Dates forward making them
|| ineligible for the cutoff you specified, you'll want to take a look
|| at ArchiveAssist for Outlook. This app lets you edit the Modified
|| Date of messages to any date you want (you can select the Received
|| Date, the Sent Date, or you can specify any date), and you have
|| complete control over the process by which you decide which messages
|| to include for modification. The program also lets you to delete
|| messages, in bulk, according to the date parameters you set in one
|| easy step - a great change from the ten step process I used to go
|| through in Outlook.
|| The program runs outside of Outlook, which I like, and it says that
|| it works with all versions from 97 up. Check it out at
|| There's a free 30-day trial version available and the app costs only
|| $19.00 to purchase. I was finally able to cut the size of my .pst
|| file, which was in excess of 1GB, and things are running more
|| smoothly. No freezes since I archived...
|| I'm so glad someone finally did this!
|| Stephen