Stephen Dolenc
This is an AOL Instant Messaging Virus / Adware
Victims send the following message to their entire buddy
list in approximately 25 minute intervals:
"check this out, is that you?"
"this" is linked to the following php address:
If you click on the link, a file that ends in ".jpg.exe"
tries to be downloaded. Obviously, the extension implies
the file is an executable, not an image file. More than
half of my friends missed that...
Could your Anti-spyware / Anti-virus engineers look at
this and see if you can produce some kind of removal
procedure to set users system back to status quo.
Sorry I can't give you more information, I'm not exactly
sure how this file impacts the registry or directories of
infected systems because I have not clicked it myself.
Keep up the great work--I can't wait to join you guys
Stephen Dolenc
Victims send the following message to their entire buddy
list in approximately 25 minute intervals:
"check this out, is that you?"
"this" is linked to the following php address:
If you click on the link, a file that ends in ".jpg.exe"
tries to be downloaded. Obviously, the extension implies
the file is an executable, not an image file. More than
half of my friends missed that...
Could your Anti-spyware / Anti-virus engineers look at
this and see if you can produce some kind of removal
procedure to set users system back to status quo.
Sorry I can't give you more information, I'm not exactly
sure how this file impacts the registry or directories of
infected systems because I have not clicked it myself.
Keep up the great work--I can't wait to join you guys
Stephen Dolenc