You left out the Adaptec 2100s SCSI raid controller with 2 - 15,000rpm SCSI
72gb seagate drives striped.
I am not into SCSI hard drives. SCSI hard drives are ridiculously expensive.
73GB Cheetah SCSI Hard Drive with 15000RPM is $650, you need a SCSI controller
card that costs another hundred dollars or so.
74GB Western Digital Serial ATA Hard Drive (Raptor) with 10000RPM is only $250,
and it doesn't require any controller card given the fact that all new
motherboard have ATA socket.
Because SCSI drives require different initialization at boot-up, there is a
significant delay to boot up the Operating system. Performance-wise, in my own
experience with Cheetah SCSI drive with 15000RPM, I didn't feel any faster
performance of the hard drive when compared to regular IDE hard drive with
7200RPM. At the time, I was using Windows 98 as my operating system, and some
say Windows 98 doesn't utilize SCSI drives. Maybe my negative and
unsatisfactory experience with Cheetah SCSI drive with 15000RPM might be due to
the limitations of the operating system. I mean, other than playing games and
doing daily stuff on the computer, I am not using any other programs that take
advantage of the features of the SCSI drive. Maybe that's why I didn't feel any
difference performance-wise. I don't know...!?!
With this new Western Digital Serial ATA hard drive at 10000RPM, I don't think
it is all that appealing to get a SCSI hard drive with a big price tag.