as it has been posted many times.......
A. The Vista CPP was closed as of June 30th. Microsoft is no longer
issuing keys. The downloading ability continues till July 14 for those
people who recived a key, but due to the high amount of download traffice
are still trying to download the file.
B. If you had already signed up in the past, as part of the sign-up
process, Microsoft would have sent you to a screen with download
instruction. Your key was displayed on that screen. You could have chosen to
write it down then.
C. If you signed up for the Beta, Microsoft would have al;so sent you an
E-Mail containing your Key. You could have chosen to write it down, Save the
E-Mail, or print the E-Mail. but if you just printed the E-Mail, you would
have noticed that the key number in the yellow box doesn't print, so
printing the E-Mail doesn't work. Write it down to be safe.
D. You also had the option to order the Beta on DVD. If you took that
option, the DVD's will arrive with a key to use. Ordering the DVD's also
gaurenties you to recieve at no additional charge, the next public release
which will be RC1.