never perfect video

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Hello everyone,
Im not computer literate so the more I read the more I get confused.
All I want is to transfer home movies to dvd with same video quality as
originals. Possabily editing out some bad spots.
From sony digital8 useing firewire into E-machines Mediacenter pc. AMD
Athlon 64 2.20GHz--200GB ATA hard drive--1024MB DDR SDRAM Dual Channel--ATI
RADEON XPRESS 200 video . Ive tryed diferent settings on WMM and also tryed
InterVedio Win DVD. At best Video is (for lack of a better term) slightly
digitized looking. and if there is quick motion or camera pans then video is
slightly jittery.

is there a fix to this or am i just excpecting too much.
You may be expecting too much.... digital video on a camcorder is higher
quality than the MPEG-2 standard high quality DVD, but you can't make a DVD
without using the standard.

Beyond that, the consumer hardware/software needed to get from the tape to a
home made DVD won't do as well as the high end expensive professional items.

You'll have to decide your price points and quality levels.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website -
MM2 Tips and Tricks:
Online Newsletters:
I hope you are not basing what you see on the preview window in MM.

Capture your video as DV-AVI. Make your edits and 'save movie' as a DV-AVI
file as well. Import the new movie into your authoring program (My DVD, Nero,
Ulead, etc) and burn. It will compress as needed and voila! a DVD. You should
have near digital quality.

Do some small test movies if you are concerned before you go editing all
your home movies.

Let me add to that.
The reason Steve commented about the preview windows is that the preview is
a very low quality rendering of the actual video quality in order to speed
up the process of previewing, otherwise WMM would have to actually render
the movie before playing it for you which really wouldn't be previewing at
Next let me also add that before burning your new high quality DV-AVI to a
DVD play it in your media player on FULL SCREEN and see how it looks so you
don't create a poor DVD that will simply become a coaster for your beer.
Wojo's Place:
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Dedicated in loving memory of our son Christopher Lee

I suggested the test run (yes its a coaster creator) because I know for
myself, the DVDs look a heckuva lot better on my TV, than they do on my 17"
flat screen at full screen using PowerDVD or WMP10.

That is a valid point. The "jittery" video issue will be visible in Full
screen on the monitor but your right the "digitized" video problem may not.
And once your done and you have your beer coaster you can drink a bunch of
them so it will no longer matter if the video is good or bad. :-)