



I have a P3 800mhz 512RAM with a 10/100 Ethernet card in it, running

I'm buying a P4 3.2ghz running WIN XP which has a 10/100/1000 card in it.

The new WIn XP PC is having broadband (adsl) installed next week (Im in the
UK). It will come with a USB ADSL modem.

Is there a simple way of connecting the 2 PC's together, to allow the
WIN98SE PC to have access to the broadband connection, and the printer on
the WIN XP PC?

The WIN98SE PC is upstairs and currently has an RJ45 cable running to it to
supply it with its' current ISDN connection, is this cable sufficient to
connect the 2 PC's together? Is it hard to configure and, more importantly,
is what I'm after possible?

Not sure I'm asking the right group, but I know you guys can probably be
able to point me in the right direction!!

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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I have a P3 800mhz 512RAM with a 10/100 Ethernet card in it, running

I'm buying a P4 3.2ghz running WIN XP which has a 10/100/1000 card in it.

The new WIn XP PC is having broadband (adsl) installed next week (Im in the
UK). It will come with a USB ADSL modem.

Is there a simple way of connecting the 2 PC's together, to allow the
WIN98SE PC to have access to the broadband connection, and the printer on
the WIN XP PC?

The WIN98SE PC is upstairs and currently has an RJ45 cable running to it to
supply it with its' current ISDN connection, is this cable sufficient to
connect the 2 PC's together? Is it hard to configure and, more importantly,
is what I'm after possible?

Not sure I'm asking the right group, but I know you guys can probably be
able to point me in the right direction!!

Thanks in advance for any advice.


is a good place to start.




I have a P3 800mhz 512RAM with a 10/100 Ethernet card in it, running

I'm buying a P4 3.2ghz running WIN XP which has a 10/100/1000 card in it.

The new WIn XP PC is having broadband (adsl) installed next week (Im in the
UK). It will come with a USB ADSL modem.

Beat them over the head and get an external ADSL modem
with a conventional ethernet output. You're looking at
a security nightmare unless you stay up on your WinXP
patches and use a good quality software firewall on the
box. With a conventional ADSL modem with ethernet, you
can plug a 4-port router with NAT/firewall between you
and the net (blocks half the trouble). With the bonus
that it will also handle networking.

USB ADSL modems are just simply a bad idea.
Is there a simple way of connecting the 2 PC's together, to allow the
WIN98SE PC to have access to the broadband connection, and the printer on
the WIN XP PC?

Yes, internet connection sharing or something like that.
You'll need an ethernet card in each machine, and a
single *cross-over* cable (not a standard ethernet
cable). Set the address on the primary machine's
ethernet to, netmask, no
default gateway (pick a random number from 1-254 for the
3rd octet). And the second machine should be address, mask, default gateway of

Beyond that I haven't used ICS.
The WIN98SE PC is upstairs and currently has an RJ45 cable running to it to
supply it with its' current ISDN connection, is this cable sufficient to
connect the 2 PC's together? Is it hard to configure and, more importantly,
is what I'm after possible?

You should probably run a new cable (Cat5E) between the
Not sure I'm asking the right group, but I know you guys can probably be
able to point me in the right direction!!

Also try

Onideus Mad Hatter

Is there a simple way of connecting the 2 PC's together, to allow the
WIN98SE PC to have access to the broadband connection, and the printer on
the WIN XP PC?

You're wanting to do two completely seperate things there. To do the first, easy breezy, just buy
yerself a lil router, follow the hookup diagram, BOOM, should sort itself out just peachy (assuming
you've got network cards in both machines and they're already setup).

To share a printer, well, that's a lil more complicated. For one you're going to need to enable
file and printer sharing, the second problem is WHAT sort of printer do you have? Some desktop
printers DO NOT like being accessed across a network AT ALL. In fact off the top of my head I can
think of at least a few Lexmark models with that problem. Now if you've got a nice printer that
actually has it's own network interface, hey, should be just as easy as getting the two machines to
share an Inet connection. might wanna just think about transfering the files you
want to print from one machine to the other and then printing.


Walmsley said:

I have a P3 800mhz 512RAM with a 10/100 Ethernet card in it, running

I'm buying a P4 3.2ghz running WIN XP which has a 10/100/1000 card in it.

The new WIn XP PC is having broadband (adsl) installed next week (Im in
the UK). It will come with a USB ADSL modem.

Make them send you a ethernet modem, buy a multiport router and it will be
simple. Also you won't have to have the new machine on to access the
internet with the old one. I don't think sharing printers should be too
dificult either, lots of free windows home network setup avalible on the
net, do a google search if you have problems. The USB modem is a BAD idea
and is a security nightmare.

Raymond Sirois

the answer is 2 parts,

1. yes you can
2. simple it is not

Depends on your definition of the word "simple." For some, installing
a second NIC, configuring a private IP network with Internet Sharing
activated is Simple. For others, remembering to inhale and exhale on
schedule is damned complicated...

Raymond Sirois
SysOp: The Lost Chord BBS


See, I knew I was asking the right people!!

Thanks for all your help, plenty to be getting on with (including getting an
Ethernet modem!)



*** Remove SPAMKILL from my Email Address to reply via Email ***
Walmsley said:

I have a P3 800mhz 512RAM with a 10/100 Ethernet card in it, running

I'm buying a P4 3.2ghz running WIN XP which has a 10/100/1000 card in it.

The new WIn XP PC is having broadband (adsl) installed next week (Im in
the UK). It will come with a USB ADSL modem.

Make them send you a ethernet modem, buy a multiport router and it will be
simple. Also you won't have to have the new machine on to access the
internet with the old one. I don't think sharing printers should be too
dificult either, lots of free windows home network setup avalible on the
net, do a google search if you have problems. The USB modem is a BAD idea
and is a security nightmare.


and you are which one


Raymond Sirois said:
Depends on your definition of the word "simple." For some, installing
a second NIC, configuring a private IP network with Internet Sharing
activated is Simple. For others, remembering to inhale and exhale on
schedule is damned complicated...

Raymond Sirois
SysOp: The Lost Chord BBS

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