kja said:
Im running a wirelessB router with a dsl modem into a desktop w/XP, and
trying to network with a laptop w/ ME. Ive been through the wizards but am
coming up with nothing. the networking wizard wont let the XP be the
computer that is running the internet connection, however it is. so Ive been
going the "other" route. Im not the most computer savvy, but does anyone
know of some steps I should check to get this to work?
hi kja
If I understand you correctly, you want to use the router as a switch
because the DSL is plugged into the desktop.
I'd advise using the router for its true function as it's easier and more
secure, but if you really want to use the desktop for ICS then.....
Assuming you've already run the ICS service installation on the desktop. If
not then run the ICS wizard between stages 5 and 6.
1)Turn off the desktop.(prevents possible ip conflicts)
2)Reboot the laptop, which should be set up to get it's IP address
automatically, then open a browser session to the router. (The laptop will
obtain it's IP address from the router so there's no dhcp/IP conflicts)
3)In the router config, turn off the DHCP service - the desktop will provide
dhcp services so you dont want the router to do that as well.
4)In the router config, change the router LAN IP address to -
write this on a sticky label and put it on the router so you don't forget
it's not using its standard IP address. (often routers are factory preset to
ip address (or something completely different). As Windows gives
the address to the ICS machine by default, there may be an IP
conflict between router and desktop)
5)Turn on the desktop. (now the router and desktop should have different ip
6)On the desktop, download a free firewall (not ZoneAlarm as I believe the
free one wont work with ICS). Unplug the desktop from the internet, disable
Windows firewall and install the new replacement. Plug desktop back to
7) Reboot the laptop, refresh the IP address if necessary by opening a
command prompt.and typing in ipconfig /release followed by ipconfig /renew