Networking Xp Desktop to Vista Notebook - firewall gets in the way!


Uncle Ben

Is there a way around this? My two-PC network seems to work fine except
that I can't share files and printers unless I unload my F-Secure AV and
Firewall. Is there a way around that?

Another naive question while I am at it - Does the AV software that I have
installed on the desktop also protect the notebook (while connected to the
network) - or do I also have to install an AV software on it?

Many thanks for your help.


Ron Badour

This is a question better asked of F-Secure tech support since it is the
firewall settings that are the problem. You need AV on the laptop.


Ron Badour
Windows Desktop Experience

Uncle Ben

Uncle Ben said:
Is there a way around this? My two-PC network seems to work fine except
that I can't share files and printers unless I unload my F-Secure AV and
Firewall. Is there a way around that?

Another naive question while I am at it - Does the AV software that I have
installed on the desktop also protect the notebook (while connected to the
network) - or do I also have to install an AV software on it?

Many thanks for your help.


Well, I found the problem - Settings > Trusted Network Adapter ... did the

Now if any one could enlighten me on the second question, I would be
eternally grateful.



Uncle said:
Is there a way around this? My two-PC network seems to work fine except
that I can't share files and printers unless I unload my F-Secure AV and
Firewall. Is there a way around that?

Another naive question while I am at it - Does the AV software that I have
installed on the desktop also protect the notebook (while connected to the
network) - or do I also have to install an AV software on it?

You need to configure your firewall to allow the Local Area Network as
trusted. Refer to F-Secure's manual or contact them for help. I'm assuming
that your F-Secure is a security suite instead of a simple antivirus
without any firewall component.

You need antivirus software on every computer.


Uncle Ben

Malke said:
Uncle Ben wrote:
You need to configure your firewall to allow the Local Area Network as
trusted. Refer to F-Secure's manual or contact them for help. I'm assuming
that your F-Secure is a security suite instead of a simple antivirus
without any firewall component.

You need antivirus software on every computer.


Thank you Malke/Ron. Much appreciated.

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