I've got a network with 2 W98 SE computers, 1 XP, and one Vista. I have
shared files stored on the Vista computer, but they are not accessible to the
W98 computers. Thus far, the W98 computers will display the contents of the
shared/Public folder on the Vista computer, but the files cannot be opened.
Does anyone know if I could create an account on the Vista computer, and use
it on the W98 computers as a login for the shared folders?
The problem does not occur in the other direction. The Vista computer has
full access to shared files on the W98 computers.
shared files stored on the Vista computer, but they are not accessible to the
W98 computers. Thus far, the W98 computers will display the contents of the
shared/Public folder on the Vista computer, but the files cannot be opened.
Does anyone know if I could create an account on the Vista computer, and use
it on the W98 computers as a login for the shared folders?
The problem does not occur in the other direction. The Vista computer has
full access to shared files on the W98 computers.