networking question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
  • Start date Start date


I'm needing to help a buddy network a machine. He doesn't
want to have the Internet but he just simply wants to
network the machines together for file and printer
sharing. That's it. Both machines are using Windows XP.

This is what I told him:

You can simply connect your two XP machines directly with
a crossover cable and use static ip addresses. Two
network cards must be installed. Enter an ip address and
subnet mask.

Here's the question. There are other options that are
available such as Default Gateway, Preferred DNS server,
and Alternate DNS Server. Since he has no Internet
Service Provider (ISP), he cannot enter those options.
Are these options required to be entered when using
Static ip addresses?

Can you just enter the ip address and subnet mask without
filling the rest of it out?

Please explain???
Yes, if he doesn't want to access the internet, you can enter ip and mask
only without dg and dns.

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Robert Lin, MS-MVP, MCSE & CNE
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This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.
"Mike" said:
I'm needing to help a buddy network a machine. He doesn't
want to have the Internet but he just simply wants to
network the machines together for file and printer
sharing. That's it. Both machines are using Windows XP.

This is what I told him:

You can simply connect your two XP machines directly with
a crossover cable and use static ip addresses. Two
network cards must be installed. Enter an ip address and
subnet mask.

Here's the question. There are other options that are
available such as Default Gateway, Preferred DNS server,
and Alternate DNS Server. Since he has no Internet
Service Provider (ISP), he cannot enter those options.
Are these options required to be entered when using
Static ip addresses?

Can you just enter the ip address and subnet mask without
filling the rest of it out?

Please explain???

The other options that you list are only needed for Internet access.

You don't need to enter anything -- not even static IP addresses and
subnet masks -- to network the computers. They'll automatically
assign themselves compatible dynamic IP addresses.

Assigning static IP addresses and subnet masks will speed up the boot
time by a minute or so.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

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