Networking Issues

  • Thread starter Thread starter Liam
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I have two problems with my home network and have failed
to find any relevant or useful informatio in tha kb

Firstly. Machine runnning Win 2K Server SP4 occasionally
stops responding to the lan. It can ping and its
own ip. but other computers on the lan cannot ping it via
ip or connect to any shred drives.

Secondly. I installed SP4 for Windpws 200 Pro on my own
machine and it is now constantly transmitting and
receiving data where from and where to I have no idea,
virus scans and ad-aware scans come up clean. My firewall
keeps dialing the internet with requests for

Anyone able to help me out as I currently have a Server
that keeps needing to be reset and keep having to manually
turn my modem on/off to stop unwanted connections to the
Need more info on the Win2k Server - does Event viewer show any errors - is
this a domain?

If you are running a domain called Etherworks.local, your Win2k Pro machine
is configured to use the wrong DNS server. If you are not running a local
domain and your Win2k Pro machine uses your ISP for DNS:

On the Win2k Pro machine, right click My Network Places, double click the
local area connection and select Properties. Select TCP?IP Properties,
click the Advanced button. On the DNS tab, deselect 'Register this
connection's addresses in DNS'.

Doug Sherman

Thanks for the idea but I've already deactivated "Register
this connection's DNS" before I posted. Yes the domain is
Etherworks.local but DNS client is not running on any pro
machine nor is the client or server service running on the

As for the coms failure problem I've now tried 3 network
cards and all fail teh same way, I've also reinstalled the
OS, error still occurs.

You lost me on this one. Is DNS failure the problem, or have you disabled
DNS in an effort to solve the problem?

Doug Sherman
You better install DNS-server on your server. Then point the servernic(s) to
your server-IP in the DNS-field.
Add options 003, 006 and 015 in DHCP-server.
DNS-client-service should be running on the server and the clients.

DNS has been deactivated in an effort to stop the
generation of spontaneous requests from the workstations
which cause a dial up connection to occur even though no
user has requested a connection to the internet.
Unfortunately this hasn't worked as the systems are still
generating spontaneous DNS requests.

This has become a secondary issue as I still am having
problems with the system becoming disassociated from the
network after approx 4hrs of inactivity..

How many nics in the server? How does the ipconfig/all look like? Does the
ipconfig/all from the clients show that all is pointing to your server-IP?
What OS on the clients?

SInce I'm at work I can't post the exact info. But yes
ipconfig/all points to my server ip as both gateway (and
formerly DNS). All clients (4) are Win2K Pro. I have
noticed from my logs this problem has become exasperated
since installing Win2Ksp4.

DNS should be installed on your server though. Will make things much easier.
How many nics in the server?

Just one NIC, DNS on the server really is a moot point,
using the external ISP DNS works just as well. It still
gets me no closer to an answer on either on my two
problems though.

Wrong, it will cause the kind of problems you have now. Install DNS on the
server and put the ISP-DNS-numbers in the tab Forwarders of DNS-server. Add
options 003, 006 and 015 to DHCP-server, Scope options.
On the servernic you point to your server-IP in the DNS-field.
