I have a Vista desktop machine and Windows XP (Home) machine at home and ever
since moving to Vista have been having major problems with my home network.
Setting up a shared printer took me many hours and the sharing of files...
lets not go there
I came across a suggestion (in these forums) for a product called Network
Magic (http://www.networkmagic.com/)
**************WOW WOW***************
ALL my networking nightmares are gone!
This little piece of software installed on both my machines allowed me to
quickly and easily share folders, printers and other network items (cameras)
with only a few clicks. Within 30 minutes I was sharing files across my
network and printer sharing works great.
Take a listen to the following. It is from a pod cast by Pure Networks' CEO
Jeff Erwin. he talks about what Network magic can do.
The product is $ 29.99 and is licenced for 3 machines and they have a
promotional code (SDR2007) that saves you 10%.
FYI - I do NOT work for, nor am I getting any compensation from Pure
Networks. After finding this software I just had to share it.
since moving to Vista have been having major problems with my home network.
Setting up a shared printer took me many hours and the sharing of files...
lets not go there

I came across a suggestion (in these forums) for a product called Network
Magic (http://www.networkmagic.com/)
**************WOW WOW***************
ALL my networking nightmares are gone!
This little piece of software installed on both my machines allowed me to
quickly and easily share folders, printers and other network items (cameras)
with only a few clicks. Within 30 minutes I was sharing files across my
network and printer sharing works great.
Take a listen to the following. It is from a pod cast by Pure Networks' CEO
Jeff Erwin. he talks about what Network magic can do.
The product is $ 29.99 and is licenced for 3 machines and they have a
promotional code (SDR2007) that saves you 10%.
FYI - I do NOT work for, nor am I getting any compensation from Pure
Networks. After finding this software I just had to share it.