Will try. Can the username/pwd combo be any user that exists on 2k machine, or must it be a user with specific qualities?
Also, can you point me to any good win2K networking overview web pages?
This is FAQ. If you want to share files amongst win98 and
win2k, share files on 2k. Then login to your 98 with user
name and password same as in 2k. basically you need to
have same user and same password to be able to login to 2k
from 98. IPC$ is default share on 2k for admins.
-----Original Message-----
Tried to connect to a win2K machine (named PC2) for the
first time over Clients for Microsoft network. When I
select PC2 in network neighborhood on the win98 machine
(PC1), I get an Enter Network Password screen that
requests a password for resource \\PC2\IPC$. I don't have
any such password that I know of. Where should I look to
adjust this?