chris thomas said:
we own a desktop and laptop, the belongs to another
domain somewhere else, i just wanted to know how would i
remove the laptop from that domain, so that i can make a
home network with my desktop at home.
im asking because when i try to set it up using the home
networking options, it says that i do that because its on
a domain.
You should probably just leave it joined to the domain.
( Assuming you will be connected to the Domain-based network again )
Un-joining and re-joining the domain all the time is a very messy way to go.
Do not run any wizards.
Continue to log into the laptop using your Domain username/password.
Simply set the IP address / Subnet Mask and Default Gateway to values
appropriate to your home network.
If the Domain network uses DHCP, with the laptop set to Obtain IP address
automatically', but your home network uses manually configured IP addresses,
then you could use the 'Alternalte Address' feature.
If your home network uses a broadband router, or ICS, then it's even
These are configured to issue IP addresses etc automatically, and no change
to the laptop is required.
Now, there will be 2 workgroups present:
Your Home Network workgroup;
A workgroup with the name of the Domain.
You can browse between them by looking in the "Entire Network" link.
When you map a drive from the domain laptop to the home PC, ( you don't say
what OS it runs ) if you need to supply credentials, supply a username and
password valid on the home PC. Specify the username in the form
"Home-PC-Name\Username" along with your password.
When you map a drive from the home PC to the domain laptop, you will need to
supply credentials of A LOCAL ACCOUNT ON THE LAPTOP, because the laptop will
not be able to contact it's Domain for authentication of a domain username.
So create a local username/password on the laptop, and then connect to it
using credentials of the form "Laptop-name\Username"