Nice to get it off your chest eh? Go find the information yourself you
arrogant ignoramus!
And stick your middle finger where the sun definately doesn't shine. Thank
you very much.
esz said:
Oh yeah it's so easy huh!
Read all that, done all that and
1> My win98se nbook. will connect to my xp - xp will NOT connect to win98se nbook.
2> Desktop 98se will connect to win98se nbook - but not to xp nbook.
3> xp nbook will not connect to anything except phone line.
In addition to screwing things up to make them seem more powerful
(such as start/search/search for files/search for files AGAIN in addition to
three or so other choices listed UNDER search for FILES.
I hate to ask for anything TWICE IN A ROW. This is my main reason for
withholding tips, aside from downright rudeness and insulting behavior.
College educated idiots are on the MacroShaft payroll again.
Another example: everytime I attempt to get into configuring NETWORK (as
in linking MY computers at HOME together) I soon find myself in the middle
of XassPerating mess of INTERNET configurations and questions regarding
It seems some moron decided to make both networking configuration and
internet configuration spliced together on the logical surmise that
conjoined twins should be able to run faster because they have more legs to
run with.
Meanwhile I am struggling with XtraPain and losing work time.
I am seriously considering dumping Xcess Problems and going back to what
works, straight win98 or even all Linux.
to quote a brilliant person on the net - when Microsoft makes a product
that does NOT suck - they will manufacture vaccum cleaners.
Repeat, I have run configurations (when I could get past the internet
nonsense in the middle of an entirely seperate issue, local networking) and
still have extremely limited success in any wise and it is a total mystery
so far since all the efforts to get information from HELP and msoft website
always steer me right smack into the dam internet issues.