Here's a fairly basic question about networking a printer. My house
has plenty of ethernet sockets, and I have a Netgear DG834G router in
the loft. I don't have a home network set up - I just use the router
so that a couple of computers can connect to the internet (either
wirelessly or through ethernet sockets). If I buy a Lexmark E120N
printer, which is networkable, could I just plug it into an ethernet
socket and get it to work with my laptop (or any other computer
connected to the router) or do I need extra hardware?
has plenty of ethernet sockets, and I have a Netgear DG834G router in
the loft. I don't have a home network set up - I just use the router
so that a couple of computers can connect to the internet (either
wirelessly or through ethernet sockets). If I buy a Lexmark E120N
printer, which is networkable, could I just plug it into an ethernet
socket and get it to work with my laptop (or any other computer
connected to the router) or do I need extra hardware?