Make a backup.
Split the application (with the menu, Tools | Database Utilities... Database
Splitter, experiment with a dummy application, or with a backup, if you feel
uncomfortable). Place the Backend (the portion with the data), on a server
(be sure the server allows more than 10 concurrent network connections to
the "share" you will create). Also be sure to provide access to that share
from your network.
From ANOTHER PC, with the front end (the portion with forms and code),
relink your tables toward the network share (again, from the menu, Tools |
Database Utilities... Linked Table Manager ). Once done, distribute this
front end to the other PCs. You won't have to relink the tables (unless you
change of server for the backend portion).
That is relatively quite easy to do, in fact... it may surprises you how
simple it is, in the end.
Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP