Network work part time

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alain
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I am using a 2-computer home network.

Computer A is under Win2KPro; computer B is under WinMe. They are linked
through a Linksys hub.

From computer A, I can print on B's printer and have uploaded 200 MegaB
to B without problem.

Computer B can upload to computer A.

But when A tries to download a file (even a very small file) from B,
* Half of the time, Network neighborhood simply freezes
* Else I see the File copying animation for 2-3 minutes and then get a
«Unable to copy xxx: Error during pagination (or paging?) operation»
message (translated from French). Network Neigborhood is usually then
«not responding».

I have NetBios over TCP/IP on both.

Is problem on A or B? With which settings?


I am not familiar with your specific error, but I have
seen something similiar, a few questions:

1. You said Linksys Hub is it wireless or wired?
2. If it is wired are the cables home made or factory
3. What is the speed of the hub 10mbit or 100mbit.
4. Have you tried slowing down your NICs in both machine.

The thing I saw that was similiar was a client that had
crimped the ends on this ethernet cable himself. End for
end it was wired correctly but he had split the pairs. It
worked ok at 10mbit but when I tried to upgrade to a
100mbit switch the machines only wanted to work in one
direction. Up but not down.
Hi Michael,

Sorry for delay to answer.

I considered your suggestions; wall cable might be part of problem.

It's getting more and more confusing.

Thanks for your input.


Michael_L a écrit: