Network testing tool

Very neat tool TC, I've just run it now and come out all clean with O2 Broadband :) There were two other things noticed though:

•Virus filtering appears to be present on your host or network
•Your computer's clock is slightly slow

The virus filtering was down to KIS intercepting the test message. The PC clock was also 6 seconds slow :lol: .

That really is a comprehensive test indeed when you see all the types of analysis performed. I bet there are quite a few ISPs that change DNS data to use their own search engines and not-found pages.
KIS did its job when I ran the test too :thumb:

It just mentioned:
Network packet buffering may be excessive
Virus filtering appears to be present on your host or network
The details re the "excessive buffering" stated:
Network buffer measurements (?): Uplink 980 ms, Downlink 97 ms
We estimate your uplink as having 980 msec of buffering. This is quite high, and you may experience substantial disruption to your network performance when performing interactive tasks such as web-surfing while simultaneously conducting large uploads. With such a buffer, real-time applications such as games or audio chat can work quite poorly when conducting large uploads at the same time.
Is that anything to be concerned about do you think? I haven't been aware of anything untoward.
I wouldn't worry about it unless you start to get lagging :). That's almost a second, so it would be quite noticable if it was there most of the time - so I guess it was just a one-off.
Thanks for the reply Ian :)

Out of curiosity, would there be any way to remedy the buffering (to reduce it, for instance) if it began to cause any problems? Or is it not advisable to twiddle? :D
Missed this the first time. wow, handy tool. :)
