Network Setup wizard

Nov 7, 2006
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I am getting little confused on following two option when running “NETWORK SETUP WIZARD” on xp.

My setting: two xp computer hook up with linksys wirlessg router and router hooked up with dsl modem. No ICS.

So which on do I choose?

1. This Computer Connects Directly To The Internet

2. This Computer Connects To The Internet Through Another Computer On My Network Or Through A Residential Gateway

3. Other

When you select other it will take you another option screen that says:

4. This Computer Connects To The Internet Directly Or Through A Network Hub. Other Computers On My Network Also Connect To The Internet Directly Or Through A Hub –

5. This Computer Connects Directly To The Internet. I Do Not Have A Network Yet –

6. This Computer Belongs To A Network That Does Not Have An Internet Connection

I know it has to be between 2 or 4, but not sure which one would be appropriate under my settings. That word residential gateway and Hub is making me confuse.

Can any one help me on this please?

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Thanks for the reply. I tried to use both number 2 and 4 and both seems to work. The only difference that I see is one creats the ICS connection but the other one does not. I still haven't got the clue what is the difference between "residential gateway and Network Hub".
if you see the pic (attachment) you can see both option has the box between dsl modem and pc. That is what doesn't make sense to me what is the difference.


Not a lot, really, and certainly not worth worrying about.

Dedicated residential gateways are raely used now, the most common method of connection being an Ethernet router/modem, single or multi port and wired or wireless.

For a full definition of a residential gateway see Here.

Glad it's working for you.