network programming

  • Thread starter Thread starter waleed
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i have to come up with the best solution for using files
in a LAN. The problem is like this:
In a client-server application is it more feasible to let
the client(s) edit a file on the server or let the
client(s) download the file first and then upload the
file again to the server after its done with changes.
the application is running on a LAN. i need the solution
for C# because its used for implementing both client and
the server.
Waleed, can you tell us a bit more about the application, and what you want
to do?

you say, "C# is used for the client and the server". How do the client and
server communicate?
Is it only via shared files? Is there some other communication protocol
used, like .NET remoting, or web services, or something else?

What is contained in the file? Must it be a file?
etc etc

well the thing is i am using .NET Remoting for communication between the
client and the server. now the server needs to share/upload/download
files from the clients, its one of the major functionalities the server
needs to contain. now the questions are:
1) should i allow the clients to access files on the server and let them
edit it one by one. which would need the file to be opened on a
different computer and the network traffic would increase.
2) second thing is that the user should first download the file, edit it
and then upload the file on the server again. now uptil now the same
file wount be used by different users but different files would be used
by different clients on the server. this would then again increase the
network traffic.
i hope this is good enough explanation
now i am in a dilemma.
now i need to submit this information in my detail design document and
would be the core of the overall system. and dont forget it would have
to defend it in the end with facts and figures.
so do tell me the best solution you can think of!
waleed riaz said:
well the thing is i am using .NET Remoting for communication between the
client and the server. now the server needs to share/upload/download
files from the clients, its one of the major functionalities the server
needs to contain. now the questions are:

1) should i allow the clients to access files on the server and let them
edit it one by one. which would need the file to be opened on a
different computer and the network traffic would increase.

In this case there is not much role for a C# server-side application? It
seems this is a C# client-side app grabbing a file from a fileserver.
2) second thing is that the user should first download the file, edit it
and then upload the file on the server again. now uptil now the same
file wount be used by different users but different files would be used
by different clients on the server. this would then again increase the
network traffic.

I still don't see the role of the C# server-side application here. Again
the client is talking to a fileserver. where is the .NET remoting.

If all you are doing is operating on files, then there are already protocols
baked into the OS to handle that. You don't need to build a special app to
do it.

i hope this is good enough explanation
now i am in a dilemma.
now i need to submit this information in my detail design document and
would be the core of the overall system. and dont forget it would have
to defend it in the end with facts and figures.
so do tell me the best solution you can think of!

This sounds like an assignment for a course?

The way to be able to defend it is to have measurement data for the differen
You'd have to measure that yourself or find some source of suitably
appropriate material.

well the thing is, i have to make a server which would let users
share/upload/download files. the problem is the server has to loads of
others things as well so it sure is a server. i really dont want to get
into the details. and i have to make it in C#. the communication between
the client and the server would be using .NET Remoting. get it?

the would arrise when the user would try to edit/create/delete a file on
the filesystem of the server and it wount have permissions to do the client/server can be on a Domain or just workgroup.

i need to come up with a way around for letting the server grant
persmission to the client on runtime for either
editing/deleting/creating a file.

now does this sound reasonable?
well the thing is, i have to make a server which would let users
share/upload/download files. the problem is the server has to loads of
others things as well so it sure is a server. i really dont want to get
into the details. and i have to make it in C#. the communication between
the client and the server would be using .NET Remoting. get it?

the would arrise when the user would try to edit/create/delete a file on
the filesystem of the server and it wount have permissions to do the client/server can be on a Domain or just workgroup.

i need to come up with a way around for letting the server grant
persmission to the client on runtime for either
editing/deleting/creating a file.

now does this sound reasonable?