Scott St. Gelais
I have a Win2000 server with two NIC's with internal addresses. Both appear
to be working, but I cannot ping the first NIC from any of the workstations.
I have disabled one NIC at a time on the server and successfully pinged it
from the server. I have both NIC's set with separate IP addresses, but all
other settings is the same on both. The problem I believe is due to an
improper DNS entry. When I ping from inside the network, the domain name
(domainname.com) resolves back to an internal address for the first NIC.
When I ping the www domain name (www.domainname.com) it resolves to the
correct IP address on the internet.
I have an AD plus DNS, DHCP and WINS configured and running. The app that is
giving me real problem is Outlook. I remember that Outlook uses different
ways of communicating with an Exchange server depending on what operating
system that it is installed on. I am thinking that I need to add a entry in
the DNS on our web host that points directly to a WAN address, then have our
firewall translate it to the correct LAN address. Then the server would
'see' itself in the DNS and release the WAN domain.com address.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Scott St. Gelais
to be working, but I cannot ping the first NIC from any of the workstations.
I have disabled one NIC at a time on the server and successfully pinged it
from the server. I have both NIC's set with separate IP addresses, but all
other settings is the same on both. The problem I believe is due to an
improper DNS entry. When I ping from inside the network, the domain name
(domainname.com) resolves back to an internal address for the first NIC.
When I ping the www domain name (www.domainname.com) it resolves to the
correct IP address on the internet.
I have an AD plus DNS, DHCP and WINS configured and running. The app that is
giving me real problem is Outlook. I remember that Outlook uses different
ways of communicating with an Exchange server depending on what operating
system that it is installed on. I am thinking that I need to add a entry in
the DNS on our web host that points directly to a WAN address, then have our
firewall translate it to the correct LAN address. Then the server would
'see' itself in the DNS and release the WAN domain.com address.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Scott St. Gelais