Network Problem

Jun 5, 2005
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i have a networking prob
overview - 2 comps sp1 xp home 1 comp sp1 xp pro - main ics comp can connect and use other comps resources other comps cant connect to the ics comp or anything

basically, i formatted my ics comp and which was working fine with the other before, and now it can only connect to the others, they cant connect to it. i have enabled the guest network account and ping ip's, set ip's and unset ip's set net sharing hence (ics) and formatted again, installed sp2, unistalled sp2, diabled firewalls, set limitations, deleted connections, remade connections, set names and workgoups over and over.... u name it i have proboly done it, unless adavaced dos info

only change i have witnessed is
before guest account set - asked to loign as //Comp/Guest. - did and didnt work just went back to the same msg
after guest account set on - now i get a msg that i have the wrong permissions etc i cant mem wat they said cuz atm im formatting

soz for the long post but i really need this fixed ASAP! - post anything that may help, im up for trying anything
this is the message i get wen i try to access folder from no ics comouter/s

You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administartor of this server to find out if you have access permissions.
Access is denied.
yes, thats what i discovered my past network problems were, just simply go in and add a trusted ip for each other computer on your network
i have no firewalls i know of running, zone alarm aint even installed and the one u have a choise with to protect lan connects aint set either, only on net. and i dont have sp2 installed so it aint that. basically no firewalls.

Just comp A can access and see comp B and C, but C aswell as B can see A but no access A
it has to have something to do with a firewall on computer a. have you allowed file sharing on the microsoft firewall?
Usually Start, Control Panel, Windows Firewall, either turn it off, or if its on list your other computers in the exceptions area
no i said i dont have sp2, i just have a default basic sh*ty one that you choose wen u properties the lan or internet connection
actually now i have had a look u cant set the firewall on either of my lan connections
More Detailed Overview of what is Happening between 2 Comps:

Comp A-
Internet Sharer
Can See B
Can Access B

Comp B-
Internet Accessable
IP: Auto
Can See A
Cant Access A

Both with IP:

Comp A-
Internet Sharer
Can See B
Cant Access B

Comp B-
Cant Access Internet
Can See A
Cant Access A

*No Firewall set on, beside the default Internet Connection one
*No Firewalls Installed
*All Set Shares eg. Printer & File Sharing
*Reinstalled Windows - Both
*Formatted - Both
*Changed Network Cards
*Tried Switch
*Tried Crossover Cable
*Both Pingable
Try making one of your folders or files on computer a shared. It should now appear in the network places folder. See if you can access that folder.