Windows XP Network Printers Wont Delete

Nov 21, 2008
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Ive got around ten workstations that connect to a Microsoft SBS, and there are about 6 printers connected to it.

A few weeks back the licence serial numbers had dropped and during this time people were unable to connect to the printers. As the person who knew where the licenses were was out, i had to delete everyones printers from their printers and faxes and then reconnect them so they could use them and that seemed to work.

Then once i had got hold of the licenses, when everyone logged off and then logged back in, they had duplicates of each printer.

They can delete the duplicates but when they log off and then back on again they re-appear.

The printers aren't duplicated on the server.

Each workstation is a DELL Optiplex 170L, with XP Pro Service Pack 3.

This is quite an annoying issue as we have an MIS program that wont print job tickets until the printers are removed, this is not too bad for me, but for the guys in the office having to remove printers everyday gives them and me a massive headache.

Please help!!!
You have either
a) SBS Group Policy that installs certain printers when a user logs on
b) Login script that ..... as above.

Remove the printers you don't want installed from the script or GPO.