I have a desktop plugged into a LAN box at home, and a laptop with a wireless
card connected to the LAN. I have been trying to map network drives between
the two, but I can't get them to work. On the desktop if I search for all
computers near me, it shows the Laptop name, but if I try to open it it says
"network path not found". On the laptop, a search of computers near me shows
What do I need to do to get this to work? Both computers have the Network
ID workgroup set to WORKGROUP.
card connected to the LAN. I have been trying to map network drives between
the two, but I can't get them to work. On the desktop if I search for all
computers near me, it shows the Laptop name, but if I try to open it it says
"network path not found". On the laptop, a search of computers near me shows
What do I need to do to get this to work? Both computers have the Network
ID workgroup set to WORKGROUP.