Windows XP Network Location Awareness Service Missing!

Jun 12, 2008
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Hi, I have been trying to fix this problem for a week now.

I have a Dell Desktop running XP Pro
I downloaded some software a week ago, it had something called "patch". And it screwed around with my registry. I then downloaded a registry fix, and then it screwed it up even more because it was a trial version I think.

Anyways, my computer got really screwed up, the taskbar didn't show, installer didn't work, all files were shown as "not a win32 application" etc...etc...

So I did a reinstall from my XP disk. Installer was back, and so I ran a virus scan, and it said I had the I Worm Bagle virus.

Well anyways, then I have been trying to connect to the internet so I can update my stuff and download the latest virus software updates, but my wireless config constantly says "Acquiring network address" and never connects. I tried this with my DSL direct connection and it says the same thing. I am writing on my laptop right next o my computer, and I get tons of wireless signals here bc I live in a tower.

So anyways, I have been constantly fixing my Ndisuio registry because it constantly says the Start DWORD as 4 and I have to reset it to 2 every time I start my computer so the wireless zero config can at least start.

But once I start the wireless zero config, it just constantly says "Acquiring network address"

I have a dlink desktop G that worked fine before I downloadd that software that changed my registry.

So now I am looking for the Network Location Awareness service on services.msc but it is not there.

How do I fix this? can I just download the NLA files?

I seriously need help! I would really appreciate your help!
really???? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

but all i need is this NLA file/service to work. Couldn't that be the last step???
Extreme i know but instead of reformatting the hard drive delete the partion as reformatting the hard drive doesn't change the boot sectors, so what ever program is on it will still be there.