My network's performance fluctates greatly, How can I start to trouble shoot
this problem (and yes a realize this is a rather large issue with many
possible factors)? Is there a means for mean to see which services and
computers are consuming most of the bandwidth and cpu usage of the servers?
secondly, Is there a way to set the servers so that they never dedicate
more than 40% (arbitrary number) of there ressources to any given task? can
you set such parameters... what other parameters can be set as well if this
is the case?
Thank you so very much for the help and insight. Just one lost novice admin
trying to stay afloat in this sea of information.
My network's performance fluctates greatly, How can I start to trouble shoot
this problem (and yes a realize this is a rather large issue with many
possible factors)? Is there a means for mean to see which services and
computers are consuming most of the bandwidth and cpu usage of the servers?
secondly, Is there a way to set the servers so that they never dedicate
more than 40% (arbitrary number) of there ressources to any given task? can
you set such parameters... what other parameters can be set as well if this
is the case?
Thank you so very much for the help and insight. Just one lost novice admin
trying to stay afloat in this sea of information.