network issue

Aug 29, 2005
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i've spent the past couple days trying to work out a problem with my home network. I now have 4 computers on a wireless network, all computers operate winxp sp2. the most recent computer is the problem, all computers can see one another, all can share the printer, all can access IE,all can ping one another. the new cmputer can access all folders from other computers, however! none of the 3 older computers can access the new computer?

I have tried the usual, disconnected security and norton etc, i have used a flash drive to set up the computer network, i have uninstalled and reinstalled drivers. still the message is the same...permission denied contact network admin,....or, path cannot be found? anyone out there, PLEASE HELP
Ihad a problem similar to this sometimes it is to do with security an ip addresses. On the fourth computer is it set up so that only cmoputers with the ip (range from xxx to xxx) can view it and its files?? It might be that. Go to my netowrk connections, then go to view my network connections right click the netowkr you are using and hit porperties. then it properties then select som,ething that says something along the lines of tci-ip and then hit configure. Have a look to see what the i.p address is. do this on all the otehr computers aswell and check to see if the ip's are similar. But if you dont have anything on your fourth comp that might be blocking the connections I am not sure.
thanx chelseafc, when i lived in england my buddy was a staunch chelsea fan, seems like a lifetime ago. ANyway i appreciate your help, let me say that after fruitless hours and many aspirin later, i finally fixed the problem this evening. not from this forum however. i followed along a thread elsewhere and tried various tweaks with no real result, then toward the end of the thread just when i'd about given up, along comes Jimmy Greaves and scores a goal! so to speak. I had to go into regedit and follow the clues until i came to 2 entries. first entry was called annonymous, and the other was annonymoussam. I thought this has to be a joke. ANyway they were both there and i was instructed to change their values from "1" to "0". Holy frickin presto, it only worked. Now I would never never never have found that little tweak. It just goes to show if you persevere you can overcome just about everything. So thanx again chelseafc, i hope you win the cup this year. derek. if anybody wants more info post a note.