Here is the basic design of my network.
There are two desktop pcs in my home, plus one or more
laptops at a time.
We have Bellsouth DSL connected to a computer we shall
call "gregleepuph". gregleepuph acts as a default gateway
and DNS server. From gregleepuph, i have a network cable
going to a Linksys wireless router, and then the desktop
PC , which we shall call "chrononet1", is connected to the
router, along with the laptops. I can connect to most
websites fine, and also use programs such as AIM, Kazaa,
etc with no problem off of the DSL connection on
gregleepuph. Some websites, which I have not been able to
find any similarity in, will come up page cannot be
displayed after trying to view the website. I know that
the connection is good because I am able to view most
websites. This problem can happen to every computer with
the exception of gregleepuph, the default gateway. I've
formatted the drives of both chrononet1 and gregleepuph
for other reasons, but this problem still persists. I had
to reinstalled the dsl software on gregleepuph after
formatting the drive. I know it is not the router because
I can switch to a standard network hub or access point,
and the problem still persists. Bottom line, I cannot
view webpages that can be viewed on gregleepuph on any
other system on the network, regardless of if it is
physically plugged into the router or wireless. Internet
Explorer updates have been done many times.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
There are two desktop pcs in my home, plus one or more
laptops at a time.
We have Bellsouth DSL connected to a computer we shall
call "gregleepuph". gregleepuph acts as a default gateway
and DNS server. From gregleepuph, i have a network cable
going to a Linksys wireless router, and then the desktop
PC , which we shall call "chrononet1", is connected to the
router, along with the laptops. I can connect to most
websites fine, and also use programs such as AIM, Kazaa,
etc with no problem off of the DSL connection on
gregleepuph. Some websites, which I have not been able to
find any similarity in, will come up page cannot be
displayed after trying to view the website. I know that
the connection is good because I am able to view most
websites. This problem can happen to every computer with
the exception of gregleepuph, the default gateway. I've
formatted the drives of both chrononet1 and gregleepuph
for other reasons, but this problem still persists. I had
to reinstalled the dsl software on gregleepuph after
formatting the drive. I know it is not the router because
I can switch to a standard network hub or access point,
and the problem still persists. Bottom line, I cannot
view webpages that can be viewed on gregleepuph on any
other system on the network, regardless of if it is
physically plugged into the router or wireless. Internet
Explorer updates have been done many times.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.