I am using a dial up modem to connect to the terminal server in my office.
The computer can resolve the DNS okay but comes up with the following
message -
"The network connection was ended due to a network error. Please try
connecting to the remote computer again."
I have tried many times to connect without any luck.
I am using Win XP Home with service pack 2.
The computer seems to find the terminal server but does not connect to it
(just keeps giving the above error message).
Has anyone heard of this before?
Any ideas on how it can be fixed?
Many thanks.
The computer can resolve the DNS okay but comes up with the following
message -
"The network connection was ended due to a network error. Please try
connecting to the remote computer again."
I have tried many times to connect without any luck.
I am using Win XP Home with service pack 2.
The computer seems to find the terminal server but does not connect to it
(just keeps giving the above error message).
Has anyone heard of this before?
Any ideas on how it can be fixed?
Many thanks.