Network error on AJAX install

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I have been developing with AJAX since the release.
Now I received a new client computer and had to install all software again.
Everything went fine except AJAX installation where I received an odd error

1) I downloaded the file ASPAJAXExtSetup.msi
2) I tried to launch it but repeatedly get the following error:
"A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file

I tried to download it to all kinds of local folders but without any
What kind of network error can cause this?
IIS is installed and set to ASP 2.0.
Is there something else I need to do first?
Hi Jacob,

First, please make sure the downloaded .msi file isn't corrupted. From your
description, it seems the issue only occurs on some system, you can run
this same msi on other system to verify it's ok.

Next, we can create a verbose log file for the installation:

msiexec aspajaxextsetup.msi /L*v ajax.log

This will create a log file named ajax.log in current directory.

Please send the log file to me. Thanks.

Walter Wang (, remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Hi Walter,

Thanks for your attention.
I emailed the requested log file for AJAX installation.

Some peculiar details that I find myself:

Should be C:\
G:\ is mapped to C:\ but why does the installation confuse them?

2) Several new folders are created:

Especially PFiles looks very interesting.
I enclosed a screen dump of the file structure.
It looks like a structure that should go somewhere else ......

There is still no entry for System.Web.Extensions in the GAC.

Best regards,
Jakob Lithner
Hi Jacob,

I've received your log file.

It seems you're not using Windows Installer 3.0; would you please upgrade
to Windows Installer 3.0 and try again?

I'm not sure why G:\ is detected as ROOTDRIVE; would you please send me
your environment settings:

1) open a command prompt
2) type "set > set.txt"
3) this will create a file set.txt which contains all the environment

Also, my previous command of msiexec.exe isn't completely right, you should

msiexec /i aspajaxextsetup.msi /L*v ajax.log

Walter Wang (, remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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Hi Jacob,

Have you got a chance to try above suggestions? Please feel free to let me
know if there's anything I can help. Thanks.

Walter Wang (, remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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that others may learn and benefit from your issue.

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Hi Walter,

Sorry about the delay.
When I received notification last week, your last post was not visible ....
But today by chance I had another look and found it!

Anyhow, ....
Here is the follow up from your post:

a) I upgraded to Windows Installer 3.1 - No difference
b) I checked my settings - Found no peculiar references to G:\
Could it be that I installed the first version from the mapped G:\ instead
of C:\?
c) I enclose the settings and installation log in an email.

Best regards,
Jakob Lithner
Hi all,

For those who're viewing this thead, we took this offline and the root
cause is the AJAX was once installed from a currently not existing location.

The workaround is to use Windows Installer Cleanup Utility to remove the
AJAX entry and setup again.

#Description of the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility

Walter Wang (, remove 'online.')
Microsoft Online Community Support

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