I'm having an issue, I have a Win2k3 Server, with 3 NIC's.
NIC A. = is connected to the net and used for IIS sites
NIC B. = is used for IIS again, but a different IP
NIC C. = has a 192.168.x.x in order to connect to my db servers that are
inside the network.
The problem I'm having is sporadically, NIC A will stop sending out data to
clients outside the network. It will still recieve, just won't send. I've
swapped NIC A with NIC B, and same thing happens. To fix this all I have to
do is run repair on any of the NIC'S in the server, and seconds later all is
fine. But this is happening pretty often, maybe 3 or 4 times a day. Sometimes
3 or 4 times and hour.
Any Idea's? and as a work around is there a way to script the network
connection repair?
NIC A. = is connected to the net and used for IIS sites
NIC B. = is used for IIS again, but a different IP
NIC C. = has a 192.168.x.x in order to connect to my db servers that are
inside the network.
The problem I'm having is sporadically, NIC A will stop sending out data to
clients outside the network. It will still recieve, just won't send. I've
swapped NIC A with NIC B, and same thing happens. To fix this all I have to
do is run repair on any of the NIC'S in the server, and seconds later all is
fine. But this is happening pretty often, maybe 3 or 4 times a day. Sometimes
3 or 4 times and hour.
Any Idea's? and as a work around is there a way to script the network
connection repair?