Network bridging

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kristian Finn
  • Start date Start date

Kristian Finn

I have xp pro and want to bridge two network connections
but the wizard ends up with an error ("an error
occurred...") without explaining what type of error.

If I go here:
Network Connections>Properties>Advanced, I read this:

"Windows cannot display the properties of this
connection. The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
information might be corrupted. To correct this, use
System Restore to restore Windows to an earlier time..."

As I cannot remember this ever working I am afraid I'll
have to reinstall.

I am writing her to hear if there is any other way to
repair the WMI without a reinstall.

Any ideas or suggestions would be to great help as I have
no clue what to do now :-|
1. open a command prompt
2. "cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem"
3. "mofcomp hnetcfg.mof"
4. If it succeeds, then try the advanced tab again. If it fails, keep
5. Read the follow the instructions here:
Error Message: Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Might Be Corrupted
6. Repeat steps 2 & 3.
Thank you, thank you and thank you. This was to great
help and will hopefully lead to solve my problem.

Keep up the good work! ;-)