Situation: 2 NIC cards on one system, one connect to the
internet, one the private/home network. Can't seem to
find reference to why bridge them or why not(advantage
and disadvantige), could someone be able to provide some
reading material (links), Thank You.
Situation: Client computer NIC card, should that be
bridged to the private/home NIC card on the host, or
should the private/home NIC on the host be bridged to the
internet NIC on the host? Thanks Again
internet, one the private/home network. Can't seem to
find reference to why bridge them or why not(advantage
and disadvantige), could someone be able to provide some
reading material (links), Thank You.
Situation: Client computer NIC card, should that be
bridged to the private/home NIC card on the host, or
should the private/home NIC on the host be bridged to the
internet NIC on the host? Thanks Again