I recently "upgraded" my Norton Internet Security 2002 to 2003, and ever since
then, occasionally when I boot up the computer, I get an alert for netspy
trojan horse. Tracing the IP address with the program, it tells me it is an
address on my network. I have a dial-up connection with no network or
anything like that. I don't have to be online for this to happen. I've scanned
the computer several times and it comes up with nothing. I wouldn't worry
because I am usually good about keeping things up to date, but I had serious
problems upgrading this stupid program, and in the process my virus definitions
somehow got rolled back a year, and I had to leave it online for several hours
like that trying to re-download the upgrade. Anyone have any ideas about this?
then, occasionally when I boot up the computer, I get an alert for netspy
trojan horse. Tracing the IP address with the program, it tells me it is an
address on my network. I have a dial-up connection with no network or
anything like that. I don't have to be online for this to happen. I've scanned
the computer several times and it comes up with nothing. I wouldn't worry
because I am usually good about keeping things up to date, but I had serious
problems upgrading this stupid program, and in the process my virus definitions
somehow got rolled back a year, and I had to leave it online for several hours
like that trying to re-download the upgrade. Anyone have any ideas about this?