Netscape won't force Auto-Dial for ISP

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
  • Start date Start date
Hi John,

Not sure whether or not Netscape has the option to automatically connect using your
default connection when it detects that an Internet connection is needed (like
Internet Explorer does if the option is set using Control Panel > Internet Options >
Connections [tab]: Always dial my default connection). Perhaps you can find your
answer in Netscape's Help or a Netscape Newsgroup.

Or, if Windows Scripting Host is functional on your system, you could try to
automate this task using a script like illustrated below. Just replace the
uppercase words as indicated and save the script with a .vbs extension.

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.Sleep 1500
WshShell.Run "rasphone.exe -d NAME OF YOUR CONNECTION"
Set WshShell = Nothing

For example, on my computer the following opens Internet Explorer and dials my
dial-up network connection named alpha1 (as seen in the Network and Dial-up
Connections folder):

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "C:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe"
WScript.Sleep 1500
WshShell.Run "rasphone.exe -d alpha1"
Set WshShell = Nothing

Carrie Garth, Microsoft MVP for Windows 2000
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- c x g

: "John" <jecain AT att DOT net>
: Wrote in message : Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:13 PM
: Installed Netscape 7.02 and the Auto-Dial window won't
: come up when launching.
Sorry about the top-post, but I wondered if you could direct me to a good
source of information and/or tutorials on Windows Scripting (especially one
that caters to batch file whizzes like myself). Thanks!
Hi Steve,

Check-out the Script Center at TechNet:

Also, hang-out in Microsoft newsgroups that have scripting as part of the
name such as:


Carrie Garth, Microsoft MVP for Windows 2000
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- c x g

: "Steve Goodman" <earthlight2k AT hotmail DOT com>
: Wrote in message : Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 9:15 AM
: Sorry about the top-post, but I wondered if you could direct me to a good
: source of information and/or tutorials on Windows Scripting (especially one
: that caters to batch file whizzes like myself). Thanks!

: > "Carrie Garth (MVP)"
: > Wrote in message : > Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2003 8:02 AM
: >
: > <SNIP> automate this task using a script like illustrated below <SNIP>

: > : "John" <jecain AT att DOT net>
: > : Wrote in message : > : Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:13 PM
: > :
: > : Installed Netscape 7.02 and the Auto-Dial window won't
: > : come up when launching.