


From system A I am able to connect to system B via
netmeeting. After I close the connection I then try and
connect to system B from system C and it tells me that the
host is unable to accept calls. When I stop and start
the service on system B I am then able to connect from
system C. Any thoughts would be appriciated. Thanks...


I had a problem like this once. It seem on my machine after an initial
connection with system A, system B was not fully closing it's connection,
thus not correctly allowing system C to access. Here is what I did to

A) First of if system B is behind a router or firewall, make sure you have
correctly set permissions for Netmeeting ports.
B) I deleted all contents in my Netmeeting folder (there is no uninstall)
and then downloaded a fresh copy of Netmeeting from
C) During installation make sure you UNCHECK "Log into directory server" and
make sure you CHECK "Do not list my name"
D) Set remaining installation options as required.

One thing i've noticed with Netmeeting is "sometimes" connections do not
sever fully on both ends. IE ... system A presses "Hang Up" but system B
doesn't get the hang up signal and thinks it's still connected. To ensure
system B will always be able to correctly accept connections, have system B
initiate the hangup.


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