I was reading this post as I have the same issue, and the questions you
posed is exactly what I have done:
2 W2k3 DC's, TC1-Primary, TC2-BDC. TC1 is my primary file/application
server, TC2 is Exchange server. This weeked I did an image backup of TC1
(Acronis True Image Server) to an external USB harddrive on TC1. Then I
replaced a 2 x 73GB SCSI RAID 1 with a 3 x 73GB SCSI RAID 5 (3 new drives).
Did a partition restore of Dell Untility Partion, C: Partition, and MBR to
new drives. Also, in my old config I had D: partition where my app data was,
I did a file level restore to a top level folder on C:, so I only end up with
Utility Partiion an C: in a 146GB setup. Had relatively few issues with
this. Went very smooth. But I end up with the same situation after every
reboot of TC1, that I have start Netlogon as it is paused. Causes it not to
respond as a Global Catalog Server - Event Viewer: Directory Service - NTDS
messages 2103 - The Active Directory database has been restored using an
unsupported restoration procedure, and 1126 - Active Directory was unable to
establish a connection with the global catalog. My Exchange Server (TC2)
logs some event messages as well, but once I start Netlogon on TC1 manually,
all is well. So the question is how can I resolve Netlogon starting Paused.
P.S. Running NLTest, DCDiag, are relatively clean after starting Netlogon
manually, except for one thing: on TC1, run NLTest /sc_query:mydomain
returns: 1355 0x54b ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN. And run the same NLTest on TC2
returns: Flags: 30 HAS_IP HAS_TIMESERV, Trusted DC Name:
\\tc1.mydomain.local, Trusted DC Connection Status Status=0 0x0 NERR_Success.