.NETFramework and Norton ghost 9



Ive bought norton ghost 9 for back up on my windows xp home edition sevice
one of the requirements is to install the .NETFramework which I have done
the thing is ive noticed in system event under system theres a warning
message saying
IIS is not loading or cant be found when I look this up on microsft which im
understanding IIS to be INTERNET INFORMATION SERVICE it quotes it as for
servers so what im really asking do I need it for my computer or is there an
equivelant for this. All help and any ideas will be most welcome


boltop said:
Ive bought norton ghost 9 for back up on my windows xp home edition sevice
one of the requirements is to install the .NETFramework which I have done
the thing is ive noticed in system event under system theres a warning
message saying
IIS is not loading or cant be found when I look this up on microsft which
understanding IIS to be INTERNET INFORMATION SERVICE it quotes it as for
servers so what im really asking do I need it for my computer or is there
equivelant for this. All help and any ideas will be most welcome

If you are not running a Wen server or a FTP server, you do not need IIS
running or installed. This would include the World Wide Web service, FTP
service and SMTP service.


Thanks william no im nothing to do with a server just stand alone computer
another thing ive noticed is in windows update theres a hight securty pack
for .NETFramework 1.1 the only worry if I download it is it cant be removed
off the computer unlike the .NETFramework can what happens if I download the
update then decide one day to remove the .NETFramework will the update
interfere with the working of the computer.


boltop said:
Thanks william no im nothing to do with a server just stand alone computer
another thing ive noticed is in windows update theres a hight securty pack
for .NETFramework 1.1 the only worry if I download it is it cant be
off the computer unlike the .NETFramework can what happens if I download
update then decide one day to remove the .NETFramework will the update
interfere with the working of the computer.

If you remove the .NET Framework, the update will be removed as well
because the update only updates the .NET Framework software.


many thanks for your help william

WTC said:
If you remove the .NET Framework, the update will be removed as well
because the update only updates the .NET Framework software.

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