Casey Chambliss
Does anyone know why when I remove a workstation from the domain using the
NETDOM utility, that it won't allow me to reboot it?
C:\>netdom remove wkstname /Domain:mydomain\dcname /Userd:mydomain\admin
/Passwordd:* /UserO:administrator /PasswordO:* /reboot
The command completed successfully but the machine was not restarted.
Access is denied.
It will allow me to reboot it when I JOIN it to the domain though.
Y:\>netdom join wkstname /Domain:mydomain\dcname /Userd:mydomain\admin
/Passwordd:* /UserO:administrator /PasswordO:* /reboot
The command completed successfully.
NETDOM utility, that it won't allow me to reboot it?
C:\>netdom remove wkstname /Domain:mydomain\dcname /Userd:mydomain\admin
/Passwordd:* /UserO:administrator /PasswordO:* /reboot
The command completed successfully but the machine was not restarted.
Access is denied.
It will allow me to reboot it when I JOIN it to the domain though.
Y:\>netdom join wkstname /Domain:mydomain\dcname /Userd:mydomain\admin
/Passwordd:* /UserO:administrator /PasswordO:* /reboot
The command completed successfully.