Netdom command logging success or failure?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff T
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Jeff T

Hello- I tried the Windows Server Scripting group and haven't recived a
reply, I hope someone can help me here.

I'm trying to log success and failures when I mass join computers to
my domain.

The command below works but doesn't log the computer name.

for /f %%a in (stations.txt) do (
netdom join /d:FQDN %%a /uo:Local_Account /po:Local_Password
/ud:DA_Account /pd:DA_Password /reboot > join.log)

When I add %%a after /reboot and before > I receive the following
message in the output.log:

The parameter a was unexpected.
The parameter is incorrect.

for /f %%a in (stations.txt) do (
netdom join /d:FQDN %%a /uo:Local_Account /po:Local_Password
/ud:DA_Account /pd:DA_Password /reboot %%a > join.log)

How can I log if the command was successful or failded against the

call :logit>>join.log 2>>&1

for /f %%a in (stations.txt) do (
netdom join /d:FQDN %%a /uo:Local_Account /po:Local_Password/ud:DA_Account /pd:DA_Password /reboot
goto :EOF

Hello- I tried the Windows Server Scripting group and haven't recived a
reply, I hope someone can help me here.

I'm trying to log success and failures when I mass join computers to
my domain.

The command below works but doesn't log the computer name.

for /f %%a in (stations.txt) do (
netdom join /d:FQDN %%a /uo:Local_Account /po:Local_Password
/ud:DA_Account /pd:DA_Password /reboot > join.log)

When I add %%a after /reboot and before > I receive the following
message in the output.log:

The parameter a was unexpected.
The parameter is incorrect.

for /f %%a in (stations.txt) do (
netdom join /d:FQDN %%a /uo:Local_Account /po:Local_Password
/ud:DA_Account /pd:DA_Password /reboot %%a > join.log)

How can I log if the command was successful or failded against the


Jerold Schulman
Windows Server MVP
JSI, Inc.

The logit command works great, I get the whole command and success and
failures. Is their a way to parse out the command in the log and just
get the machine name and results.


The logit command works great, I get the whole command and success and
failures. Is their a way to parse out the command in the log and just
get the machine name and results.


call :logit>>"%TEMP%\join.log" 2>>&1
set msg=
for /f "tokens=1-4*" %%a in ('type "%TEMP%\join.log"') do (
set work=%%e
call :netdom %%a %%b %%c %%d
goto :EOF
for /f %%a in (stations.txt) do (
netdom join /d:FQDN %%a /uo:Local_Account /po:Local_Password/ud:DA_Account /pd:DA_Password /reboot
goto :EOF
if /i "%1" EQU "netdom" goto doit
set msg=%msg% %1 %2 %3 %4 %work%
goto :EOF
set msg=%4
goto :EOF

Jerold Schulman
Windows Server MVP
JSI, Inc.