? represents all digits 0-9. So ?? is 00-99 and ??? is 000-999.
999 is > 255 so that is invalid using our 0-9 method. I suppose I
could make one exception to the rule and say that ??? actually
means 0-255 which is equivelent to just using *. The ?'s allow you
to do things like or ( -
where the * would not allow that finer range. In the end, maybe
its confusing and should just allow bracket shortcut (i.e. [1-22] )
and the * char. Think on it some more and let me know. Cheers!
"Ace Fekay [MVP]"
in message In William Stacey <
[email protected]> posted their thoughts,
then I offered mine
Added cool feature (I think) where you can use wild card IPs and
the PTR type to enum the IP range and show all names or "?" if
name could not be found in the dns.
C:\Temp>netdig 4.2.2.? ptr
;; Resolving 10 addresses in range:
;; Output in CSV format.,?,vnsc-pri.sys.gtei.net.,vnsc-bak.sys.gtei.net.,vnsc-lc.sys.gtei.net.,vnsc-pri-dsl.genuity.net.,vnsc-bak-dsl.genuity.net.,vnsc-lc-dsl.genuity.net.,?,?,?
Note usage on wildcards is pretty natural, but should note one
thing. You can use wildcards in any octect, but if the high range
of any octect would be over 255, then the hostname is not
concidered a IPRange and is treated like a hostname unmodified.
So for example, the following would not be valid ranges:
192.168.0.??? => end ip would be x.x.x.999 => end ip would be x.x.x.259
192.168.0.[1-256] => end ip x.x.x.256
These work:
192.168.0.* => end ip x.x.x.255
192.168.*.?? => end ip
*.*.*.* => entire address space - not recommended.
192.168.?.[1-10] => end ip
You can pipe the output into Find to display only records that
have a ptr or not:
netdig 4.2.2.? ptr | find "?" /v => show only those records
that have ptrs
netdig 4.2.2.? ptr | find "?" => show only those records
that do not have ptrs
If you got 1.9 already, get it again to see this behavior. Cheers
It sounds like it would be more prudent to use the * instead of the
?, whether using one ? for the digit in the octet or mutliple ?'s
for all 3 digits in an octet, unless using a PTR search.