Recently, i encounter server hanged and on the event
viewer (system log), there is a warning on MrxSmb event id
3034: The redirector was unable to initialize security
context or query context attributes.
And when i perform a netdiag on my DC, it shown failed
status on DNS, following is the detail:
DNS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Pass
[WARNING] Cannot find a primary authoritative DNS server
for the name 'ihpcsvr.IHPC.'.
[RCODE_SERVER_FAILURE] The name 'ihpcsvr.IHPC.' may not be
registered in DNS.
Is the above problem related and pls advise how to resolve
this problem.
Recently, i encounter server hanged and on the event
viewer (system log), there is a warning on MrxSmb event id
3034: The redirector was unable to initialize security
context or query context attributes.
And when i perform a netdiag on my DC, it shown failed
status on DNS, following is the detail:
DNS test . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Pass
[WARNING] Cannot find a primary authoritative DNS server
for the name 'ihpcsvr.IHPC.'.
[RCODE_SERVER_FAILURE] The name 'ihpcsvr.IHPC.' may not be
registered in DNS.
Is the above problem related and pls advise how to resolve
this problem.