NetAdvantage code samples?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim Hubbard
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Jim Hubbard

I purchased Infragistics NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1 CLR 2.0 and was mildly
shocked to see no sample apps included that showed the code/settings
required to replicate the UI components shown in the screenshot galleries on
their website.

Did I miss something?
Yeah.....I dropped a couple of questions on their newsgroup
servers.......but I'm not holding my breath.

It seems unethical to charge someone about $700 for the tools then another
$800-$1500 for training on how to use them. But, it looks like exactly what
they do. Had I known there were no code source examples included, I never
would have bought NetAdvantage to begin with.

Unfortunately, I believe that the lack actual code samples is meant to
"entice" people into spending more money to be trained in the use of the
tools. Why else would you not show simple examples (in code) of how each
tool is used?

It would seem to me that happy customers (ones that can buy and immediately
use) your toolset would be an asset and may send more customers your way.
But, if you don't provide code samples, and the customer has to pay out the
nose to learn how to use what s/he has just bought......well that's just
plain stupid - not to mention bad marketing.

Admittedly, I am new to .Net. I have resisted it for quite some time. It
is not as RAD as VB6 was. The toolsets given to use by 3rd party vendors
are not as user-friendly nor do they allow the customization of the UI as
much as the toolsets for VB6 did.

Microsoft has screwed us with this .Net crap. RAD is DEAD. Innovation in
software (which mostly came from school kids and part-time programmers) is
all but gone. (How many new and exciting .Net apps have you seen lately?)

Fewer college entrants are taking classes to become programmers year after
year. Soon, outsourcing will be the only option for many companies.

Why? IMHO, programming used to be fun. .Net is not. Part-time programmers
came up with new apps for fun and profit continually in VB. Not with .Net.

Anyway....I don't want this to become an "I hate .Net" rant. I do, but that
is beside the point.

I have never purchased a suite of tools for more than $100 that did not come
with source code examples that showed the components in use.

I am surprised that a company like Infragistics would pull such a scam on
it's customers.

Of course, the source code for examples of all of the controls could be here
somewhere. But, if it was, wouldn't there be a link to it in the
NetAdvantage start menu folders....or even in the Help files that accompany
the tools?

This is why people hate software and PCs. Perfectly brilliant people write
massively powerful things that nobody can use quickly and simply.

Great job guys!
A simple yes or no would have sufficed.

I just visited their web site and found the samples with 4 mouse clicks.
You are right. I did lie. It was only 3 mouse clicks:

Click the 'Downloads' hyperlink

Click the 'Reference Applications' hyperlink in the third column of the

Click the 'Download' button on the same row as 'Infragistics Styling Samples
for CLR 2.0'

Like cars have software packages every year more possibilities. Did you
already have a look at Microsoft Office Access if that has already the size
you are expecting..

My first thought I had when I was reading your message

Obviously, you did not download this package and take a look for yourself.
If you had, you would have noted that is not a collection of code
illustrating the use of the NetAdvantage components. It is a .Net Web app.

It does not offer simple examples of each component. It does not offer
examples of the Winforms components at all. It does not show example code
in VB.Net as well as C#.

I say lied.
I am not sure that I understand......

Are you asking if I have looked into using Microsoft Access 2003 to write an
application that looks professional enough to distribute?
Are you asking if I have looked into using Microsoft Access 2003 to write
an application that looks professional enough to distribute?

Yes however, where does that last part of your sentence come from, I did not
see it earlier in your messages in this messagethread. That is than not
discussing, that is in my opinion setting the truth to your hand. (Others
use other words for that).

You are living in 2006 now, you can in my opinion not anymore distribute a
package as it was with Dbase2.

The customer is grown up, therefore keep RAD for inside an organisation and
give the client the quality you can make using the Visual Studio Net tools.

That the tool is as well sufficient for organisations which do in house
applications and have therefore a lot of handy RAD tools makes it only

Just my thought,

Cor Ligthert said:

Yes however, where does that last part of your sentence come from, I did
not see it earlier in your messages in this messagethread.

Just why did you think I was looking into controls, if not to make apps look
more professional and save time doing so?
That is than not discussing, that is in my opinion setting the truth to
your hand. (Others use other words for that).

You are living in 2006 now,

Thanks for the update. This is most helpful.
you can in my opinion not anymore distribute a package as it was with

Who the hell said anything about Dbase2? Are you actually reading my posts?
The customer is grown up, therefore keep RAD for inside an organisation
and give the client the quality you can make using the Visual Studio Net

You are off your nut.
That the tool is as well sufficient for organisations which do in house
applications and have therefore a lot of handy RAD tools makes it only

Just my thought,

Please keep them to yourself in the future.